Last updated January 2020 People who aren't from Norwich always look a bit confused when I tell them it's a really easy place in which to be vegan. Yes, Norwich is in the heart of agricultural wonderland, where lots of people still haven't realised that fox hunting is despicable and that battery farming is Guantanamo … Continue reading The Vegan Food Scene in Norwich : Eat Everything
Tag: vegan food
Eating loads of vegan food in London
After shoving photos of food in everyone's faces on Instagram and other fine social media channels, it seems only right that I actually put together a blog post about all the delicious, ridiculous vegan food I ate while I was away in London a couple of weeks ago. It's safe to say I showed approximately … Continue reading Eating loads of vegan food in London
Eating Vegan in Bangkok
While finding veggie and vegan food in rural areas and fishing villages can be more of a challenge, eating animal-free in big cities across Thailand and Vietnam didn't prove to be any effort during the time I was there. In fact, even in the middle of nowhere it was pretty easy to find stir fried … Continue reading Eating Vegan in Bangkok
Berlin Vegan Eats
What do vegans even eat though?! Contrary to popular belief, the answer to this question is not "twigs and berries". I've had my annual salad, and seeing as how Berlin is often described as the 'vegan capital of Europe' there was approximately zero chance that I was going to go there and not stuff my … Continue reading Berlin Vegan Eats