Wellness and wellbeing have become real buzz words in recent years, and their rise in popularity is long overdue. Whether we’re talking about healthy eating, physical wellness or all-important psychological wellbeing, there are campaigns and hashtags popping up for pretty much every occasion. The thing with “wellness” as a concept is that it’s not always … Continue reading 5 Easy-to-adopt wellness habits
Tag: mental health
Tips for travelling with depression
I'm really honoured to say that Smarter Travel have featured me in one of their recent posts, a roundup of tips and advice on travelling with depression. You can read the full post here - https://www.smartertravel.com/2017/09/14/traveling-with-depression/ and see a post I wrote about staying sane on longer adventures right here - https://justcantsettle.com/2016/03/14/remaining-sort-of-vaguely-sane-sometimes/ ?
Remaining sort-of vaguely sane. Sometimes.
Credit: instagram @emotionalclub When, at 4am the other day, I decided to write a piece about long-term travelling with mental health struggles, I originally ended up writing a 1,500 word essay that said a lot of things in it that have already been said a million times elsewhere. So I had a rethink. Here, in shorter … Continue reading Remaining sort-of vaguely sane. Sometimes.