Recently, I posted a review of some CBD oils I'd been given to try out, and it's safe to say I was impressed. So when I was asked by a guest writer if I'd be up for sharing some more information on the pros and cons of CBD oil, naturally I said yes! If the … Continue reading CBD Oil Pros and Cons
Alternative Christmas Gift Ideas
Last year, I put together a piece on where to buy ethical Christmas gifts that covered places like Ethical Superstore and the Big Issue Online Shop – retailers where you can buy things to wrap and put under the tree, but which contribute to a good cause or have some serious eco credentials. This year, … Continue reading Alternative Christmas Gift Ideas
Have you all survived Black Friday and Cyber Monday? I sure hope so. Because today is #GivingTuesday and that's not a way of saying "give away the stuff you bought in the weekend sales and then start shopping all over again." Giving Tuesday is about giving something back, and to mark this year's hashtag frenzy, … Continue reading #DontWasteChristmas
Notes on Toxic Positivity
Yep, that's the one. The insidious #GoodVibesOnly, faux-content feeling that emanates from all manner of social media pages. But how could positivity be toxic?! I hear you ask. Easily, as it turns out. Really, really easily. On the whole, positivity is just that: positive. It is generally nothing but a good thing to embrace your … Continue reading Notes on Toxic Positivity
Ocean Plastic: An Infographic
Yes, I did make the title rhyme on purpose. Plastic waste is getting a lot of attention at the moment, because us humans are making so goddarn much of it. It's clogging up rivers and oceans, it's killing sealife and it's just generally ruining a whole bunch of things at an alarming rate. Like, the … Continue reading Ocean Plastic: An Infographic
World Vegan Day
Oh hey, it's World Vegan Day! Was there a vegan day last year? Apparently there was, but despite having converted to a veganish diet way back in 2016, I somehow only just learned that this day was a thing. There is a day for just about all occasions / inanimate objects / living things now, … Continue reading World Vegan Day