Following on from my previous post about putting together your own budget wellness break, a number of people asked me for further recommendations on places they could go for a bit of zen that wouldn't leave a bank balance howling. I put the question to some of my fellow travel bloggers, and they came through … Continue reading Cheap Wellness Breaks – Southeast Asia
Category: Southeast Asia
Best Eco-Friendly Resorts: Southeast Asia
Hoping to find an eco-friendly resort in Southeast Asia but not keen on giving up creature comforts? Here are some venues you might like.
The best places I've been so far
Everyone loves a list, so here's one about my favourite places after four continents of travel.
Eating Vegan in Bangkok
While finding veggie and vegan food in rural areas and fishing villages can be more of a challenge, eating animal-free in big cities across Thailand and Vietnam didn't prove to be any effort during the time I was there. In fact, even in the middle of nowhere it was pretty easy to find stir fried … Continue reading Eating Vegan in Bangkok
6 Things you should eat in Vietnam
It's not all about Pho, you know. Tofu Pho by the excellent ...Okay, it is a bit about Pho. But Vietnam has plenty more delicious stuff to feed you than just the classic noodle soup, whether you're a raging carnivore or a veggie/vegan plant-based fiend. Different regions have different specialities, but wherever you're headed … Continue reading 6 Things you should eat in Vietnam
Top 5 things to do in Ho Chi Minh City ( Saigon )
Depending on who you talk to, the city of Saigon either fell or was liberated in 1975. Now renamed for the late communist leader Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh City's metropolitan area is home to more than ten million people - and despite its increasing popularity with travellers from around the world, you won't … Continue reading Top 5 things to do in Ho Chi Minh City ( Saigon )