image shows a cartoon graphic of a woman slumped at her desk, with a low battery indicator floating above her

Overcoming “Compassion fatigue”: why we have to switch off to stay human

"Compassion fatigue is the cost of caring for others or for their emotional pain, resulting from the desire to help relieve the suffering of others. It is also known as vicarious or secondary trauma, referencing the way that other people’s trauma can become their own." - CMA. 2020 The term compassion fatigue was popularised during … Continue reading Overcoming “Compassion fatigue”: why we have to switch off to stay human

Norfolk Clubhouse founder, June Webb

Norfolk Clubhouse celebrates £20,000 grant and Carrow House move

Norfolk Clubhouse, a local charity dedicated to supporting individuals in recovery from mental health challenges, is thrilled to announce it has been awarded a £20,000 grant from The National Lottery Community Fund. This significant funding will enable Norfolk Clubhouse to extend its services and continue its essential work in fostering community and resilience among its … Continue reading Norfolk Clubhouse celebrates £20,000 grant and Carrow House move

Image shows the backs of a woman's and her children's heads, as they look at a butterfly ID guide which is in focus

The Big Butterfly Count: Where are all the Butterflies?

Leading wildlife charity Butterfly Conservation says that very low numbers of butterflies have been spotted so far in its annual Big Butterfly Count. On average, participants are seeing just over half the number of butterflies they were spotting this time last year. An unusually wet and windy spring, coupled with the colder than usual temperatures … Continue reading The Big Butterfly Count: Where are all the Butterflies?

people holding and looking at smartphones

Are dumb phones enough? Rehab experts discuss digital addiction

Are more people than ever before ditching their smartphones? Online interest in ‘dumb phones’ has more than tripled this year as social media companies are facing lawsuits over ‘addictive’ platforms. Research from Rehabs UK has explored Google search data and insights from AlsoAsked and social media and found that: Membership of the r/dumbphones subreddit has … Continue reading Are dumb phones enough? Rehab experts discuss digital addiction

Crowdfunder launched for Norfolk coastal erosion documentary

After The Tide, an independently-produced documentary exploring the impact of erosion on Norfolk’s coastal communities, is calling for donations to complete production. [Image credit Mike Page] Capturing first-hand insights from local people whose homes are being scheduled for demolition as the cliff edges shift ever closer, and from a leading academic in the field of … Continue reading Crowdfunder launched for Norfolk coastal erosion documentary